Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

Does it have to be random?? Maybe it’s part of the universe orchestration. I do subscribe to the belief that the strangers we meet , even if it’s once in our lifetime, we were meant to meet them. The woven layers of each other’s world intertwined at that exact moment, where you were either conscious of the stranger at sight or not.

Okay enough with the mambo-jambo 😁👯.

I have had the privilege of meeting or bumping into kind human beings, who I will never(maybe) interact with them.  However, one that I always find myself thinking about and using it as proof to myself that there are kind people in this world is one of the suitcase-carrier (I know.. is that what you can call someone, bear with me)

It was early in the morning, I was escorting my sister to the bus terminal, we had heavy luggage and one of them was the suitcase, which I was carrying.  Carrying because we had to cross the footbridge, then this man, out of nowhere, just asked to help me carry the suitcase, I thought maybe it’s side by side, and the man just took the whole suitcase on his shoulder and started climbing up the stairs.

Without a word, without hesitation, he lifted it, in my mind, I started thinking ooh my! He will ask for my number, he will want me to pay him, ooh God it’s heavy it will break his shoulder, Oh my! What if he is a thief.

He had gone ahead of us, and I was just holding my breath to find him at the terminal, which I did, I told him thank you, he nodded and went on his way, saying nothing, asking for nothing, I cannot find the right words to describe my emotions.

I was glad 😊

It was A Random Act of Kindness, that sealed my mindset that there is good in the world, there exist genuine and kind human beings.🥀💕

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