How much am I loved??

That is the heavyweight question.If I answer this question that has no options to choose from. Will I be the champion.Or these are just one of those open ended questions that will be for a research hypothesis.The quantity of the love I receive.Was I to measure?To analyse it?Does a marking scheme exist?

I am loved by whom?? Or is it who? English is not my first language, therefore this should be entered as my first excuse as to why my answer will no suit what you thought of

Loved by myself; Family ;Relatives; Friends ;God By God.

There is no doubt that people will give evidence of How God loves us. However do I feel loved? Do I feel loved by my friends and family.Do I feel loved.To answer, the feeling of being loved is the first step in answering this question.

Honestly, I am struggling with feeling love. I know I am loved but there is this battlefield of feeling loved.

They say love is by actions.When God sent his only begotten son. ONLY!!He sent him , my overthinking department here. If he sent him, did Jesus really choose to come and die for us.

Was it an obligation to him? Was it a request ? Did he freely give his life for us.?Those questions aside my fellow christians and christian critics.If we overlook the procedure of how Jesus was sent and just focus on the main agenda. The end shall justify the means.

We can see that God had a plan to just liberate us.

That verse John 3:16 Another version says God loved the world and GAVE. Did he think about it. He just surrendered the life of his only son for us.Now that I agree is love.

However, it’s a challenge for me to feel the love.And I know I am not alone.Because yes I am aware God is love. I am loved. Despite that I am battling with feeling the love.I shall just leave it at that.And state I cannot fully say how much I am loved.So the question remains unanswered.

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