How important is spirituality in your life?

I was brought up in a Christian home, going to church, joining the Sunday-school Choir, memorizing bible verses, sometimes embarking on church retreats. I was introduced to it at an early age.

The reason I want to say that first, is to clarify that I didn’t choose this aspect. It was Either talked to or pushed into it. My mother would ensure that I go to church every Sunday, I loved singing, so I didn’t need anyone to suggest ‘joining the choir’ I found myself in one.

This however is religion, and later in life, I came into the realization the difference of religion and spirituality. One can be the other but the other cannot be the one.🤭find out for yourself. Or whisper to me and I will answer.

Fast forward into my early twenties (fortunately as I write I am one foot into the beginning of my late twenties 😁, so it’s not that many years) I found myself questioning my decision to become a Christian. I felt I didn’t get to choose it. So I began retreating and finding my God on my own.

Truth be told I had faced a lot of troubles and sadness in my life that led me to Question His existence. It felt like I was trapped into this facade and now I was becoming awake.

*so many things happened in between,*

I had a period of Limbo, which I don’t like to refer to as “aethist era” .. but I did study some little bit of Islam, and Buddhism, And I realize that I AM PROOF. I am evidence that there is a higher force, higher power beyond the humanness . And if you listen closely you can tap into it.

Religion comes in different forms however, spirituality comes in THE form.

I know I am going around and round in pursuit of creating a basis of my answer.

Spirituality is very Important to me. It is the default settings in my life. It is the reason I smile and experience this life in the form it comes. Spirituality holds me up together and gives me this reassurance of beautiful things unfolding,even if it doesn’t look like that at that moment.

To put your life into the hands of a Supreme being. I am just learning into being in God’s embrace. To acknowledge HIS existence in my life. Intentionally, knowing fully well the proof of spirituality. I know God takes different forms, so I am also learning to refer to God as Her, because we project the God in us to us.

The belief is inside that we project it outside. It’s believing in the unseen. It  is decreeing that after I have learnt all this, Yes, I indeed am choosing it.

Let me not rumble more. All I can say, no matter what you Call your God at the root of it , SHE is Love, He is love. Loving ourselves and others is serving our divinity.

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