Write about your first crush.

*she blushes*

Again the smile on my face as I am writing this, Oh Lord! 😁 My first crush , was when I was four or five years old.  In nursery school, he was not in the same class as I (class the building not the social one), there used to be this light skinned boy that I just wanted to be around.

At that time I didn’t know it was a crush, I was just drawn to him without any course. He was really cute at that time and he played with me, so I presumed that he liked me too. However, did he? Because we were so young at that time I cannot really tell if it was just a friendship relationship we were building or something romantic we were brewing.

Please, we were young now I see how I kinda was in the wrong department at that time. And in my defense, I was pretty much an infant at that point. I remember him, waiting on our class door so that we could have our break time snacks together.☺️ We were so into each other. Or I was so into him. We were best friends. He made me smile, he held my hand and assisted me down the slides at the playground.

It’s actually alarming, that I am remembering such details twenty years later. It is as if it was just yesterday.

This is a confession,  in case my sisters, end up reading this,” the boy I reported to you that he kissed me at that time when we were playing hide and seek was actually not the boy who kissed me.” We were playing hide and seek, still four years I think, and another boy who I was hiding with, kissed me, (yes guys I received my first kiss when I was four years 🤭). And it was not my crush, so I reported it to my elder sisters but said it was my crush when in real sense it wasn’t. I think that was my first contact with ‘being delusional ‘ .

First forward five years later, he found another girl who became his first girlfriend 😭😭😭 “in sorrows” I was heart broken but I didn’t know I was. Something was burning my heart and collected tears in my eyes.

Is this the part I can plug my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@likha_ayuma?si=eEZ2fPKLRaOxduqr check out for awesome content.

One response to “Brewing romance tenderly ☕”

  1. today’s prompt has surely made everyone blush so hard! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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